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Heart GAME 35: SAS (18-15) @ DAL (19-16) | 115-104 win | 4 game win streak
Posted by: Kammrath - 03-09-2021, 09:09 PM - Forum: Dallas Mavericks and the NBA - Replies (22)

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  Dak is back
Posted by: Hypermav - 03-08-2021, 08:11 PM - Forum: R.O.T.W.: Rest Of The World - Replies (49)


Smile Angry Sad Confused

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  Fixing all star weekend
Posted by: Paul Gasol - 03-08-2021, 09:53 AM - Forum: Dallas Mavericks and the NBA - Replies (5)

So, I’ve given it some thought, and think I’ve come up with an alternative to the usual, boring all star weekend. Strap yourselves in, and see what you think.

First of all, it’s too long. You can scrap the whole weekend thing, and just do it over an evening.


1) rookies vs sophomores

Instead of them playing basketball though, you get them to play a mystery sport that’s different every time and only announced on the day. 

Imagine the fun of seeing the players play miniature golf or dodgeball or mechanical bull riding! It’d be great!

So, the main problems with the all star game are thus:

A) it’s supposed to be a unique event, but it’s played with the same rules as a regular game, I.e. free throws, shot clock violations, etc, and it just doesn’t work.

B) it’s supposed to be a “razzle dazzle” game, which would be fine if it was all the guys like Doncic, Curry, Irving, etc, but it’s not. You get elite, but basically functional players, like Jayson Tatum, who just don’t fit in.

C) it’s half fan event and half recognition of actual basketball achievement, so it needs to be balanced between these two.

So here’s my idea:

8 all stars are chosen by fan votes, and 16 are chosen by coaches, other players, etc.

The 8 players will be team captains, and they’ll choose the players they want, like what they’ve started doing with this “Team Lebron” and “Team Durant” thing. So, you’ll have eight teams of three, and they’ll have a 3 on 3 street ball tournament. Classic playground stuff; half court, first to 11, etc.

It’s a unique game, it’s streetball, so the creative guys can do their stuff, but the fundamental guys can also be showcased as well.

2) the four quarter final games of the tournament

3) three point shootout

I actually think this is basically alright as it is. It’s probably way too long, so get rid of a round and a few players, and it’s fine.

4) the two semi-final matches of the tournament

Maybe make these games first to 15

5) the dunk contest

I think we can all agree it’s not working, and I think the biggest problem is the live format. So here’s two potential solutions:

A) every team in the league submits one video of one of their players dunking. Not in game, just the best dunk any of their players can do, like in practice. That way we won’t have to watch endless fails, nor players trying “safe” dunks. So, we’re shown videos of thirty dunks, and the crowd electronically vote for the best.

B) Same as before, but every team submits two dunks.

First, you’d show the five dunks from each of the teams in the southwest division, the crowd would vote, and the winning team would go through to the final representing their division.

They’d repeat that five more times for each division, until you’ve got six finalists.

We’d then see the second dunk from each of those six teams, the crowd votes, and we’ve got our champion, which will basically be a team / division rather than a player.

6) the final of the 3 on 3 tournament

Make it first to 21 for this game.

And there you have it. We all had some fun, and everybody goes home a winner.

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  The broadcast team
Posted by: Paul Gasol - 03-05-2021, 08:42 AM - Forum: Dallas Mavericks and the NBA - Replies (55)

So, we’ve got threads for every player, Mark Cuban, etc, and thought it’s about time we dedicated a thread to the broadcast team, and ask ourselves... is this really working? Are we on the treadmill of mediocrity or is it time to blow this thing up?

Let’s investigate:

Mark Followill AKA “mavsluvr”:

For me personally, I think he’s one of the best in the business. His encyclopaedic knowledge of everything Mavs related is incredible, his play calling is top-notch AND he somehow manages to bridge the gulf between Skin and Harper (more on that later). There are minor issues of course; his “step back jack” and in particular “hello Wenda” jokes are borderline cringe inducing, but on the whole, I couldn’t be happier with him. Give that man his max entension!

Player comparison: Luka Doncic

He’s our franchise player and I hope he never leaves...


This is a tricky one. On the one hand, I really enjoy his understated homerism, and dig the fact he seems to be a real MFFL. When he talks a little X’s and O’s I find him to be quite insightful, and most importantly, he seems like a genuinely cool guy who you’d like to have a beer and shoot the breeze with... but there’s another side to him...

His broadcast style just doesn’t work for me. His constant obscure references and “zaniness” more often than not distract from the game, rather than enhance it. Now I’m all for a little zaniness, and his chemistry with Followill is really nice and I like their “riffing”, but it’s just too much... I’m not sure if it’s him calling the play or if he’s told to do it, but it all needs reeling in a bit.

Player comparison: Aaron Gordon

In the right situation, I think Skin has A LOT to offer. The talent is certainly there, but he’s being misused... badly.

Which brings us to:

Derek Harper:

*long sigh* Derek Harper... where do I begin?

First of all, I’d just like to say that, despite what I’m about write, I actually don’t hate him. It’s like listening to the game with your grandad; a bit irritating, but basically comforting.

I wrote in another thread yesterday, that I genuinely thought two seasons ago that he was drunk every broadcast. He was surly, could barely string a sentence together, and mistakes were frequent. He’s tightened it up recently, but it’s still a bad product he’s putting out there...

I was thinking recently, what qualities are you looking for in a colour guy, and I thought it was a combination of the below:

1) a good knowledge of X’s and O’s

Now, I’ve never played organised ball, so a lot of the specifics of the plays are lost on me, and do enjoy the insight when available. Does Harp give you good, detailed breakdowns? Literally never.

2) an insight into what it’s really like to be an NBA player

I’d love to hear the particulars of team schedules, what an average day is like, what the locker room is like in times of adversity, etc, etc, but he just doesn’t deliver the goods . It’s almost like he’s never actually played on an NBA team and got all of his information second hand...

3) good NBA anecdotes

Harp, there’s only so many times I can hear about the time you knew Kobe would be great. Really get in there, man! Dish the dirt from time to time!

4) a fun attitude and good rapport with the other announcers

Look at the Toronto guy. I don’t watch them much, but I enjoy his regular references to drinking and getting drunk. That’s something we can all enjoy and feel good about. Harper on the other hand is not that type. He seems like an intense kind of guy, and a man with little sense of humour.

When Skin’s riffing, Harper is lost and just does not know how to handle it. He either makes it too literal or flat out ignores it, occasionally even interrupting the other two to give his thoughts on another entirely different topic.

It seems like Followill and Skin try to get him involved all the time, and laugh hysterically any time he makes a SEMBLANCE of a joke, but the dynamic is just not there. I think him and Skin have some of the worst chemistry I’ve ever seen from any two individuals during my time on this planet ...

5) talk good

Maybe this is the harshest point of all, but you’ve got to be at least articulate, coherent and have a certain charm, and Harp, unfortunately, is not a naturally charming man...

So, for me, Harp goes 0/5 there. Ouch... but there is an obvious fix: Ced Ceballos.

The few times I’ve heard the man talk, I’ve just been in awe. He’s got it all; a GREAT voice, natural charm, a way with words, great insight, just the total package.

It’s time for a blockbuster trade, my friends...

Player comparison: Kristaps Porzingis

He should be our second star; a pillar of the broadcast team, but the fit just isn’t working, and it looks like it’s time to bring the experiment to a merciful end, and try something new...

All thoughts welcome and appreciated!

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  Mavs 87, Thunder 78
Posted by: mavsluvr - 03-04-2021, 12:51 AM - Forum: Dallas Mavericks and the NBA - Replies (28)


Without their star, the Mavericks stumbled their way through the game, ultimately blowing out a seriously awful OKC team. 


GAME FLOW. Luka was out with lower back tightness, and Jalen took his place in the starting lineup. Both teams struggled to score in the first quarter, although each squad eventually broke twenty points. Mavs led 25-23 after one. The second was even worse, with Dallas scoring 24 points and “holding OKC to” 19. The Mavs were up 49-42 at the half, despite hitting only 1 of 19 three-point attempts. Yuck. 

Ya boys looked a little livelier in the third quarter, and had a 26-19 period against the Thunder, ending the frame at 75-61. Dallas had a putrid 12-point fourth period, but held on for the win. 

NUMBERS.  Both teams shot horribly (Dallas 39/20/79, OKC 33/23/65). The Mavs worked well on the glass, with 53 rebounds, and 18 of their 32 made baskets were assisted. They earned 19 points off OKC turnovers, and had 15 fast-break points. 

PORZINGIS. With Luka out, it was KP’s chance to shine, and he ended the game with a 19-point, 13-rebound double-double. He had a fierce drive and flush in the first quarter, and three very deep threes in the second half. Rick remarked that Kris was a huge factor offensively, with his great screening, rolling, and positioning making things easier for his teammates. 

HARDAWAY. Tim shared high-scorer honors with KP, with 19 points off the bench to go with 6 rebounds. He was active on the court in a variety of ways, taking a charge, driving to the basket for a slam, making a great pass to Maxi for an and-one, and hitting a couple of triples. Coach said he was terrific.

RICHARDSON. Josh had 16 points and 6 boards to go with 4 steals. Carlisle mentioned his great floor game, key shots, and coming up with the ball and pushing it ahead for a fast break on several occasions. Josh was also energetic on the defensive end, and was Devin Harris’ pick for the DPOG award, which ended up going to the entire team. 

BRUNSON. Jalen did a solid job filling in for Luka, and put up 11 points and 4 assists. He showed a lot of hustle, diving to the floor to beat OKC to a loose ball, and making some good defensive plays. 

BURKE. Rick singled out Trey for giving the team a big lift in this game and the last. He had 9 points as a reserve, and led the team with 6 assists. He played with confidence and swagger, and resembled his bubble self. 

THUNDER. I would like to credit the Mavericks defense as the reason OKC managed to score only 78 points, and I’m sure they had something to do with it, but I think the greater factor was that this Thunder team is just so, so bad offensively. I was embarrassed for them, with this pathetic performance. 


Rick congratulated his team for sticking with the process and coming together in the second half after a physical, tight, difficult first half with the shots not falling. He described the team’s defense as “tremendous.” He seemed more relieved than anything. 

Mavs fans, a beautiful display of basketball artistry this contest was not. It was an ugly slog of a game, and tbh does not warrant much of a breakdown. But it’s a win, and it counts the same as the most impressive skilled performance imaginable. 

Going into the All-Star Break, the team stands at 18-16, having won nine of their last 11 games. Hopefully, they will make good use of the rest and come back refreshed and raring to go. In the meantime, Luka is expected to participate Sunday in the All-Star game and the skills contest, if anyone wants to look in on that. 

Enjoy the break, MFFLs!

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Brick GAME 34 DIRKIE: Winner KP (84%) | Runner-up JR (8%)
Posted by: Kammrath - 03-03-2021, 10:48 PM - Forum: Dallas Mavericks and the NBA - Replies (14)

Who was the player of the game who elevated his game to help the team win?

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Heart GAME 34: OKC (14-21) @ DAL (18-16) | 87-78 win | 3 game win streak
Posted by: Kammrath - 03-03-2021, 09:14 AM - Forum: Dallas Mavericks and the NBA - Replies (38)

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  Mavs 130, Magic 124
Posted by: mavsluvr - 03-02-2021, 04:28 AM - Forum: Dallas Mavericks and the NBA - Replies (36)


Your Dallas Mavericks played a crisp team game and put the Magic away, holding off a late Orlando rally.


GAME FLOW.  The Magic had four players on the injured list -- Anthony, Fultz, Gordon, and Isaac. The Mavericks were at full strength to start the game. 

The Mavs got off to a slow start and found themselves trailing for most of the last four minutes of the first quarter. Orlando led 33-29 after one. Luka kept the Mavs in it with 10 points in the beginning twelve minutes. Dallas was back in the lead at the 8:25 mark in the second period, and never trailed again. The visitors were up 61-58 at halftime. 

About halfway through the third, our boys caught fire, with their star duo LD-KP combining for 19 of the team’s 34-point frame. They built a 13-point advantage during the quarter and led 95-86 after three. They maintained a double-digit lead for most of the fourth and were up by 18 points in the last five minutes. The Magic mounted a comeback attempt, closing the game on a 22-10 run, but the Mavericks held on for the win. 

NUMBERS. Both teams had proficient offenses, shooting well (52%, 49%) and recording only 8 turnovers each. Orlando’s defense mostly consisted of fouling, and Dallas had a 23-14 advantage in free-throw attempts. The Magic stayed in the game with their hot three-point shooting (20-41, 49%). The Mavs had a balanced game, with six players in double figures.

DONCIC. The birthday boy turned 22 over the weekend and celebrated with a near triple-double (33/10/9). He hit five of his 10 three-point attempts and also feasted in the paint. He even lost a shoe at one point and did not let it faze him. Luka said after the game that he is still working on his leadership skills, and by all accounts, his efforts are paying off. Yet another outstanding night. 

BRUNSON. Jalen dazzled in a bench-scoring role, putting up 24 points on 9-13 shooting to go with 6 rebounds and 3 assists. Rick commented on how far the young point guard has come since his introduction to the league, making adjustments to his body and his game to adapt to the NBA. Coach said that Brunson is not only an effective scorer, but has become a solid defender, growing stronger and quicker over the seasons. Rick complimented Donnie for performing at his “phenomenal best” in the Luka-Brunson draft. I think we can second that. Devin Harris observed that JB has made great strides in mixing up his pace and in reading game situations. Great to see the young Mav making such progress!

PORZINGIS.  It was a tale of two halves for KP, who was 1-9 from the floor with only two points in the first half. He sprang to life in the second half and ended up with a 17 and 10 night. In a highlight-reel moment, he stunned the Magic with a dash from nowhere for a ferocious put back flush in the third quarter.  Rick complimented #6 on his “great floor game” and “big presence around the basket,” and commended Kristaps for the work he has been doing off the court. 

KLEBER.  Maxi had 13 points and 6 rebounds and won the DPOG award. The coach commented on the key defensive role the man from Wurzburg played, doing a “solid job” on Vucevic, and making some good help plays. Rick went on to observe that Maxi is a very valuable player in Rick’s system.

BENCH MENTIONS. The reserves were key in this win, scoring 50 points in the effort. Carlisle particularly singled out Powell and Burke, saying that looked ready to play and brought much-needed energy at the end of the road trip. Both made an impact in limited court time. Powell had 8 points and took a turn on Vucevic. The Orlando venue seemed to bring back Bubble Burke, with Trey scoring 11 points in 10 minutes, including an exciting 7-point burst in a one-minute stretch in the second quarter. WCS had to leave the game early with a sprained thumb. 

MAGIC.  The opponents were no pushovers in this contest, despite missing some of their key players. Vucevic put his defenders through their paces, putting up 29 points, 15 boards, and 8 assists. Fournier also had a good night, torching the Mavs for 26 points, including five threes. Carter-Williams and Terence Ross had 18 apiece, with MCW hitting 8-13 from the field. Although their offense was prolific, they offered little resistance on the defensive end. 


Carlisle “loved” the game, especially admiring his team’s “wonderful” ball movement. This was a Rick Carlisle type of contest, with the ball popping, the scoring balanced, and the team exerting good energy on the glass. 

The coach was asked to comment on how the team has improved to such an extent at this point in the season. He acknowledged that it is much easier to cope without having to deal directly with COVID. More generally, he admitted that the squad was not in very good condition entering the season, which affected their ability to play well. He said that his players still have work to do, but they have been playing “an excellent brand of basketball,” and he sees “good signs.” Encouraging developments!

This win, their eighth in the last ten, put the Mavs over .500 for the first time since January. If they can defeat OKC on Wednesday, they will enter the All-Star Break with momentum on their side. The coach called the upcoming Thunder match “a trap game at all levels,” so hopefully the Mavs will bring the appropriate energy and focus. 

Good times, Mavs fans!

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Brick GAME 33 DIRKIE: Winner Maxi (41%) | Runner-up JB (33%)
Posted by: Kammrath - 03-01-2021, 09:17 PM - Forum: Dallas Mavericks and the NBA - Replies (25)

Who was the player of the game who elevated his game above normal to help the team win?

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Heart GAME 33: DAL (17-16) @ ORL (13-22) | 130-124 win
Posted by: Kammrath - 03-01-2021, 12:14 AM - Forum: Dallas Mavericks and the NBA - Replies (22)

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