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NEWS: China upset w/ NBA...NBA will lose $400 million
(10-13-2019, 07:14 PM)fifteenth Wrote:
(10-13-2019, 02:15 PM)TXBamanut Wrote:
(10-12-2019, 09:34 PM)hakeemfan Wrote:
(10-12-2019, 08:38 PM)TXBamanut Wrote: Kerr ABSOLUTELY did compare those and he knew what he was doing.  When asked if he'd been asked about China's human rights atrocities, he deflected and said he'd neither been asked about America's atrocities and brought up AR-15s and people shooting up shopping malls.

THAT IS ABSOLUTELY a comparison and he made it...don't deflect for that moron.

If you can compare 1,000,000 Uyghur people...ONE MILLION concentration camps and people put in indefinite imprisonment or just outright shot for horrible crimes like praying BY THE GOVERNMENT to some crazy shooting up a shopping mall, then you are a complete moron and you should never speak on political issues again. 

I have FRIENDS who are missionaries in China who have had to flee from the area, in the last year or so, where they were working with the Uyghur people.  They would talk about getting calls in the middle of the night and someone's dad was just drug out of his home in front of his kids, with his wife getting beaten by Government troops, with no charges...and that's normal. 

Let me tell you too...those people would kill for the accommodations that people are up in arms about at our border.  

The stories of what they are doing to the church in that country is pathetic.  My wife taught ESL in China at a university for a summer and it's ridiculous.  When I would call her, they'd listen in on the phone calls and open our mail.  There was a list of words that I couldn't say or she'd be in trouble.  

While I FULLY believe that we have a greater responsibility to speak up about our country, because we are citizens of this country.  Still, to clap back with a citizen shooting up a shopping mall and hold that card up next to the atrocities that are sanctioned and completely by the Chinese government...geesh, you should have your public talking privileges revoked indefinitely.


Asking again...if they are so bad, why has our government not cut all ties with them?  Why is the US govt not speaking against all of the above atrocities? Why has the govt not come out and spoken up about what's going on in HK? Yet we want Steve Kerr to?

It's obvious.  There's a balance from a superpower standpoint of objection, and maintaining a relationship with them in the hopes of affecting change.  It's selfish for a government to cut all ties completely like that in my opinion, because you sacrifice any influence with that government, leaving those people hanging out to dry.

It's also a far cry from going "well I can't speak about that  because" of an issue that isn't even in the league of or attributable to the government you routinely criticize.

A major government going scorched Earth on a horrible practice of another government is LIGHT years from a guy refusing to even SPEAK TO an issue, but instead choosing to equate American struggles with the attrocities that are real in China, because he's trying to make nice for the NBA.
Btw, we have had SEVERAL leaders speak up against the atrocities in China and other countries.

I know you guys hate Trump and are looking for a way to love Kerr in the process, but he's just flat wrong and going "wu, wu, wu if they are so bad why hasn't the government..." is trying to desperately create some false dichotomy to justify and draw attention from the bad actions of a guy you like.... And you don't even remotely deal with the actual issue.

For his next diatribe, Kerr will say something along the lines of "Hey, layoff Boko Haram because we don't even have free college tuition here."

EDIT:,. Also, like Kamm said,  the government is stuck up China's butt because we owe them money... But the NBA doesn't owe them, they are simply making more money.

I think if you boycott North Carolina because they don't open up bathrooms, but China is where you want to be, you are so hypocritical that you probably can't be trusted for much.  You're like a crack addict, but with money.

On a side note, it boggles my mind that while I'm telling you of friends that I have and experiences that I and my wife have had with China, and you are going well "if"...I know you don't know me from Adam's housecat, but good grief, you must love you some Kerr really hard.

Who here is taking up for China? No one! I also have friends who have been missionaries in China, and currently support a missionary in China. What does that have to do with this discussion? Nothing!

You're spewing nonsense; a series of non sequiturs.

Asking an NBA coach or teen aged tennis player about international politics or human rights issues and then killing them for a "no comment" is stupid. Claiming that the opinion I just typed has anything to do with hate for Trump is ridiculous. I don't live my life through a pro or anti Trump lens.

Kerr didn't compare Hong Kong protests to US gun violence. He basically said that he'd stick to domestic issues. My opinion about what he meant has nothing to do with Kerr love since I don't have some special place in my heart for Kerr.

"Who's taking up for China?????"  Did you read this thread or even this page?  The dude above that started out his rant with "if they are really that bad..."  Duh.  That's defending them as not really being that bad or it's a poor choice of words to present as otherwise.

I"m not spewing non sequiturs, that's exactly what I was pointing out that someone else was doing by trying to justify Kerr's lame response by pointing back to the government, and swing his politics around his head like a wet sock full of potatoes.

Look...we aren't talking about a teenaged tennis player or just random video game player who normally only talks about his favorite flavor of Gatorade in interviews.  We're talking about a coach who uses his platform regularly to espouse his political views, UNPROMPTED, allegedly because he is so appalled from a social justice angle, but now runs from a political question on a matter of social justice. 

Look, no one is asking Nick Saban about China and why?  Because he's not tripping over himself to wax poetic on stuff outside of his lane (in some people's opinion) like Kerr does...he opened the door, now he's just upset that he can't shut it without people noticing.  To me, what Kerr is doing is the verbal equivalent of being outraged that someone keyed someone else's car, but going silent and looking the other way as someone gets mugged and beaten....come on.

But in the end, it's his choice to speak or not, just like it's my choice to call "bullcrap" on his social justice sensitivities as "first world" only....maybe it's his boss, maybe he's concerned about the safety of players on teams over there, whatever...but to try to deflect commenting on horrendous acts and COMPARING it to a mass shooting in a mall is ignorant.  They are both tragedies, but one is a government sanctioned thing, which is far worse.  In America, you get the death penalty or life imprisonment, when the government catches you and puts you away, while the other is something a government does with no check or balance.

Personally, I think the NBA, for the political assertions that they've run out there, is beyond hypocritical to be buddying up to China and kissing their tail (Good for Morey for not doing that, btw --- bravo!!! --- well origicnally) while boycotting US states (North Carolina and now possibly Georgia for their pro-life stance).  Honestly, no matter what side of the fence you fall on with those things ideologically, you can't honestly tell me that you think killing and imprisoning people without provocation, forced population control, etc... isn't a little higher up on the list than bathroom policy??????  Good grief, man.  How can you social justice for what piece of preferred porcelain that someone uses, which you ignore the blood in someone else's white bus because no one else has cleaned the brains up that got flung on it from the government issued bullet that went through their skull, execution style kneeling on the floor?

Yes he DID compare them...he basically said  is a whitewashed re-interpretation of the point he was making when he chose that example to latch onto it.  Kerr goes "I'm just not going to comment on that" and I'm not saying a word...why?  Because he's not making a compensatory statement by what he chose to run out there as an equivalent option on the scale he was measuring people's questions on.  Now he can't retract it without getting China all that's that.

You don't believe that, fine and it's awesome that you support missionaries in China as well, and that's wonderful but I don't agree with you at all on your opinion about Kerr.
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RE: NEWS: China upset w/ NBA...teams planning for 20-21 salary cap to drop up to 15% - by TXBamanut - 10-13-2019, 11:37 PM

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