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MISSING: Mavsluvr (his last picture)
(01-11-2022, 02:07 PM)F Gump Wrote: My 2c

I like ML's recaps and think they are very enjoyable. But to be fair to Kamm, what I observed was that ML had been trolling Kamm, did troll him (again) when Kamm called him on it, and that ML chose to double down and attack Kamm even more personally and openly, after Kamm asked him to please stop.

Since ML is an expert wordsmith who revels in his mastery of nuance, I wouldn't think it was an accident, although maybe ML thinks cleverly nuanced personal attacks and derision are good manners (which they aren't). If one wants to get along with others and have a nice enjoyable place for all to converse, I would have expected an apology or at least a statement that "I didn't intend it and won't do that again" rather than even more attacks on Kamm. When someone says ''you are hurting me, please stop,' it's not nice to attack personally even more, and it's no way to play with others.

It's not my rules. But personally, I do think this is a better place with those who play nice and let it be enjoyable to all, and do what's necessary to make amends when crossing lines.

F Gump, I wonder where you find this? I read that thread multiple times and I don't see it. I see that ML only disagreed with Kamm's statements without being personal at all, and this resulted in a sudden personal attack on him.

Below I summarize my shortened conclusion from the initial messages.

First message from Kamm: "My theory is that Luka can't and doesn't raise level of NBA level players"

Second message reply from ML: "I don't agree with that statement that Luka cant raise the level of NBA players, he certainly does and is a great NBA player, and we have many other critical problems as a team that decrease or level of play"

Third message reply from Kamm: "Your reading comprehension of anything I post is completely lacking. You are trolling me. If it is the first, please ask me questions or don't comment on my posts. If it is the second, please stop it or leave the board. Trolling is not welcome here. Just because you pretend to be Followill does not make you exempt from the rules all the rest of us follow."

Kamm stepped all of sudden into the personal territory here, which is not OK IMO. I believe this should not the way to discuss things on a forum. Personal messages should be sent in private, as this is not nice to read about in public. I appreciate a lot Kamms other posts, he is an excellent poster. But to me all of the above suggests that we should never disagree with Kamm's opinions - otherwise he will turn personal against one and we will be asked to leave this place. Honestly, this is not only about Kamm and ML but everyone. It should be possible to disagree with the opinions of others without personal messages all of sudden and dictating who should be allowed to reply on someones posts or not.

I hope this will result in an apology to ML, for turning this from an opinion-based into a personal-based conversation, and so we can have ML return back to this forum.
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