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Registration Date: 09-20-2019
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Local Time: 12-10-2024 at 11:27 PM
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ballsrchr's Forum Info
Joined: 09-20-2019
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ballsrchr's Most Liked Post
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RE: Game 71 - Tank Busted? : DAL (36-35) @ LAL (34-37) | 111-110 WIN! CALL ME MAXI! 03-18-2023, 12:55 AM 8
Thread Subject Forum Name
Game 71 - Tank Busted? : DAL (36-35) @ LAL (34-37) | 111-110 WIN! CALL ME MAXI! Boards
Dallas Mavericks and the NBA
Post Message
Reunion Mav Wrote: (03-18-2023, 12:21 AM) -- This is why this board might die. I come here as always, this time to enjoy a fun win. What do I see? Mavs fans more interested in trashing their coach and trying to prove their point than anything else. This board absolutely always has someone identified that you hate and spend ridiculous effort offering your proof that your points are correct.  Sometimes apologies show up on the board which I like. But I guess discussions work better if we both have a scapegoat and argue how right we are.  Sorry this really irritated the fire out of me. -- Come on guys!  This is a discussion board.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  We don't need to agree with each other.  If I don't agree with someone I just go on.  I "like" some of those that I agree with and give thoughtful consideration to others.  That's the way of life. There are still some really good posters on here with in depth knowledge of basketball and the Mavs.  They deserve to  have their say--just as you do.  Sometimes I agree with you.  Sometimes I don't. There are things about the Mavs I don't like.  Sometimes I voice them.  I appreciate your comments...and I'd hate to see you, or anyone leave.  You can make a difference just by joining the discussions with thoughtful, informed comments.  Or...totally uninformed.  Heck!...I'm just a fan.  I never played beyond high school.  Now I'm just a driveway point guard--but--it is a big driveway...

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