GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - Printable Version

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RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - MrGoat - 11-15-2019

-I really like Mitchell Robinson. I'd love the Knicks to find a stupid way to trade him to us so we don't have to give up too much
-Bobby Portis canned over 39% of his triples last year on over 4 attempts per game, leaving him open just because he had a slow start to the year was stupid
-Yes, we can stop pretending we didn't whiff on the offseason but we'll probably win next game to take your minds off of that for a little just because
-It's already been harped on here but I'm not going to defend Rick for sitting Luka for over half of the fourth quarter after a red hot end to the third either
-Decent bounce back game by Kristaps all considered
-The refs were on our side a lot of the game which makes this one even more frustrating
-A lot of Mavs fans were pretty lousy to DSJ even while he was still here, some karma here in this one for those of you
-At least we don't play the Knicks again this year, they treated this one like a game 7 in the playoffs

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - markus1234 - 11-15-2019

(11-15-2019, 12:27 AM)ThisIStheYear Wrote: But Luka.  Jeez.  What a great player.  Magic, Larry, Jordan, LeBron level great.  Already the best player in franchise history.  So good.

Dirk hate detected

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - bartlettbear - 11-15-2019

Almost every single post rips on Hardaway perhaps 9 out of ten, I think at times he can be a useful role player but there is no way he should have the role he has. Just like there is no way Lee should have seen any court time. But one man thinks differently. I am sorry if you think Lee should start the game as passed you bye.

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - hakeemfan - 11-15-2019

(11-15-2019, 01:21 AM)JamesConway Wrote: Sure, we have more talent than the Knicks and underperformed tonight yet again.

The issue though remains the overall talent level Imo. We‘ve extended/signed all these bench players and the result you will get is inconsistency.

Powell/Kleber/DFS aren’t significantly better than dudes like Morris/Taj/Randle. They just aren’t. If anything that’s the same mold of players so we can’t expect these rather even matchups to go in our favor more often than not.

For whatever moronic reason we’ve locked ourselves into all these contracts though for years.

80% of the blame is on the front office Imo for their work this last June/July. We had $30M but ended up without a third starter. They also didn’t set us up for the future with their complete neglect of picking up assets (Iggy + 1st attached, Harkless + 1st......both wings who could have helped now and the picks could have boosted our chances in trades).

Carslisle isn’t without his faults but he’s still the same coach he was for years. I’d happily move on from him in general but that would have nothing to do with his performances this year.

This team takes a lot of 3s.  They did that last year. They add a 7’3” guy and are still doing it.  That is on the coach. 

Live and die by the 3 is not a good offense when you have two legit stars who can get a closer shot.  RC should demand more from the players in getting better shots. The fans should demand more from RC in seeing a more hard working offense out there.

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - radioaktiv - 11-15-2019

Frustrating loss, but the Mavs have been competitive in every one of our losses.  I'm confident they'll figure it out.

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - fifteenth - 11-15-2019

(11-15-2019, 12:17 AM)SportPsychMav Wrote: The most often criticized aspects mentioned here aren't closely related to things that are fixed with just time.

When every player does it, it is systematic. It's not a player or developmental issue alone.

Completely disagree. The lineups will settle down at some point. And many of the mistakes the Mavs are making are exactly what a young team that lacks cohesion would do: Inconsistent shooting, being uncertain about which looks to take (passing up open shots but taking bad shots), turnovers, and a huge one, lack of end game execution are the mistakes a young team makes. If this team has the personnel to be a good team, these are things that will improve. If they don't clean this stuff up over time, then you have to figure out whether it's coaching or a sub par roster. My personal opinion is that this group will get better AND that the front office is not done improving the roster. 

And the word you were looking for is systemic.

(11-15-2019, 12:14 AM)SleepingHero Wrote: A couple of weeks ago the Mavs were 3-1 coming off an incredible team win against the Nuggets. They are since 3-4, with 5 of those 6 games coming against the bottom barrel of the NBA and they've looked awful in every game. Cavs and Memphis were extremely close, Mavs should've lost against Orlando, the Knicks beat up the Mavs every which way twice! Boston controlled the entire game until the Mavs fought back hard in the 4th. Then Kemba came in and hit 3 straight 3's when THJ was guarding him.

Things move fast in the NBA, the Mavs looked good their first 5 games. They've since looked terrible and deserve criticism.

I actually agree with this SH. Poor play deserves a critical look. I just don't think the coach is the problem.

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - ClutchDirk - 11-15-2019

I can't believe the fire Carlisle thread hasn't been bumped yet...

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - fifteenth - 11-15-2019

(11-15-2019, 12:03 AM)SleepingHero Wrote: However, there are reasons that carry more weight than others. I'm criticizing the coach because I felt his mistakes are the big ones as to why the Mavs consistently look off since 11/3/2019.  The Mavs have lost 9 of their 11 first quarters this year. They rank 25th in FG% for the first quarter. I believe the lack of any consistent rotation is a big reason for that. I also think that the offense itself doesn't fit our personnel. The Mavs rely too much on the 3.  They shoot the 4th most 3's per game in the NBA, yet have the 18th worst 3pt%.

And looking at the game, the kind of shots that they're taking it make sense as to why its so low. SO many of those 3's are early in the shot clock 3's that are contested and no one touches the ball (Luka and THJ are the biggest offenders). 

I think the inconsistent rotations are part of playing the long game. The team is trying to see what it has and what combinations work best all while trying to get KP up to speed and integrated AND trying to get Powell up to speed and integrated. The reinsertion of Powell and the mini slump of KP were both kind of momentum disrupters I think. 

The use of the 3 pt shot is a team philosophy decision. The team has decided to have all their players practice 3 pt shooting relentlessly, and the team is learning an offense that should result in open 3s. The problem at the moment is learning the offense and each other such that players know which shots are the right shots to take and have the confidence to step in to those shots. If the players still don't know which shots to take and still can't hit those shots at a better than current clip in a couple of months then I'd be surprised and concerned. 

(11-15-2019, 12:03 AM)SleepingHero Wrote: A good coach would have nipped that in the bud, but it's been a constant theme. Porzingis has looked rusty, but Carlisle has also failed to integrate him in any meaningful way in the offense. He's being used as a glorified spot up shooter. Luka runs the most PnR with Powell or Kleber, NOT KP. The Luka/KP PnR is something everyone was expecting coming into this season, yet we've barely seen it all year.

It takes time to nip things in the bud. And it takes time to integrate new players in a meaningful way. Steering a team is more like navigating a ship than turning a zero turn mower. I'm not disputing that the team looks bad. But my conclusion isn't that they've failed, it's that this is a work in progress. Rick answered a Luka/KP pnr question recently and it sounds like that part of their game isn't ready for prime time quite yet. You're listing lots of issues (because they exist!) and saying that they've failed to address the issues. But doesn't the fact that there are a lot of issues imply that it will take some time to address all the issues. This isn't easy stuff. Luka and KP are going to be together for a long time. it's going to take a least a little bit of time to craft their two man game. 

(11-15-2019, 12:03 AM)SleepingHero Wrote: Weird rotations, such as benching Curry after his hot start against Orlando then bringing him back to shoot the game tying free throws after resting him for 2 hours is odd. Sitting Luka until 5 minutes left in the 4th, after he went off for 14 straight points in 90 seconds is odd. And those are the most egregious subs. Thats not even accounting the fact that Luka and KP only had a total of 4 shot attempts in the entire 4th quarter. Its up to the coach to make sure the team's best players gets the shots. 

I think Seth should play more, but at the same time, I think THJ got some of his minutes the other day because he wouldn't take a shot. Seth's amazing shooting doesn't work if Seth doesn't shoot.

I can see wanting for Luka to play more like 8 or 9 minutes in the 4th, rather than 6. But Luka came in with a one point lead and orchestrated several turnovers and bad possessions in a row. Luka is so awesomely amazing that I hesitate to pin anything on him, but last night, he could have executed better down the stretch. He's MVP, contention for best Mav ever level great, but he's still learning how to execute in crunch time along with the rest of the team. 

The lack of shots for Luka and KP bugs me too. The turnovers and bad possessions hurt there. I think Rick is probably trying to get Luka to not just play 1 on 5 in crunch time, which is Luka's default sometimes. So maybe in trying to learn that Luka isn't completely comfortable in crunch time yet. Not sure. 

(11-15-2019, 12:03 AM)SleepingHero Wrote: I'm just scratching the surface with Carlisle's issues so far this season, I haven't even mentioned the defense, end of game management (Luka going for a quick 2 with no timeouts and 2 fouls needed for the bonus, I mean that's on Carlisle for either telling Luka to do that or failing to let his players know of the situation), or overall effort of this team. Again, I have hope that Carlisle can turn it around, and I believe he has the talent to do so. But he rightly deserves criticism for the performance he's orchestrated so far. Just as he rightly deserved praise for his 2014 series against the Spurs and 2011 championship. It goes both ways.

The way you phrased this, that he "rightly deserves criticism for the performance he's orchestrated so far"...I can actually buy that. The performance hasn't been good for a good sized chunk of games now. And he's orchestrating. So ok. Where I differ is just that I think this stuff takes more time than you guys are giving it. I expect these things to get worked out, at least worked out as much as the talent level of this roster allows, and if the team is playing like this at game 40 then I'll be more upset about it than I am now. 

Conclusion/TLDR Version: I think the team looks uncomfortable right now. And I think the team is uncomfortable because the coach is asking them to change and grow. I'm willing to wait and see what happens with this construction project rather than judge it based on what it looks like while under construction. 

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - iolide - 11-15-2019

Ok, i've calmed down now after a night without looking at anything. Tough game. 

I seriously get 07 Golden State Warrior vibes from this Knicks team. For whatever reason, the Knicks see us and turn into the Golden State warriors of this decade. They can't miss, defend top notch, get the 50-50s . . . The Knicks should just pretend they are playing the Mavs every night and they might win 50. 

Anywho, i'm glad this is done with. The bench was horrible. The 3pt was horrible. It all was horrible - minus Luka's ridiculous 3rd quarter. 

National TV folks, there's something about it that doesn't mesh with the Mavs no matter who we put on that court.

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - TXBamanut - 11-15-2019

I think it's a case of playing down to their opponents.  That's classic inexperienced, young team.

It's frustrating, but to me, there are some anomalies.

Things that will change.
1)  Seth Curry is NOT going to keep on shooting 33% from 3, 10 points below his career average.  That will change.
2)  KP will get better.  KP is starting to get into shape.  I'll say a very hostile environment, he did something Chandler Parsons NEVER did when we played Houston...he actually showed up and got over the butthurt.  Showed me a lot.  I loved his quote to Brad Townsend.  "I like this better than neutral. . . I’m not going to try to win them over now.”  I'll take that.
3)  I think our FT shooting will get better.
4)  Carlisle isn't an idiot...he'll make this work.

Things that won't change.
1)  Tim Haradaway's idiotic shot choices when the game is on the line.  He's a great guy to bring energy when we are down or ahead, but when the game is on the line, he needs to be on the bench.  He's on the roster...he's making a ton of money...and we are stuck with him for 2 more years.
2)  Dwight Powell's defense on bigs.  He can't do it.  He gets torched no matter how hard he hustles, no matter who we put  him on, he gets killed....and we are stuck with him for 4 more years.

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - ItsGoTime - 11-15-2019

(11-15-2019, 08:01 AM)radioaktiv Wrote: Frustrating loss, but the Mavs have been competitive in every one of our losses.  I'm confident they'll figure it out.

*except Boston

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - bartlettbear - 11-15-2019

(11-15-2019, 10:31 AM)TXBamanut Wrote: I think it's a case of playing down to their opponents.  That's classic inexperienced, young team.

It's frustrating, but to me, there are some tanomalies.

Things that will change.
1)  Seth Curry is NOT going to keep on shooting 33% from 3, 10 points below his career average.  That will change.
2)  KP will get better.  KP is starting to get into shape.  I'll say a very hostile environment, he did something Chandler Parsons NEVER did when we played Houston...he actually showed up and got over the butthurt.  Showed me a lot.  I loved his quote to Brad Townsend.  "I like this better than neutral. . . I’m not going to try to win them over now.”  I'll take that.
3)  I think our FT shooting will get better.
4)  Carlisle isn't an idiot...he'll make this work.

Things that won't change.
1)  Tim Haradaway's idiotic shot choices when the game is on the line.  He's a great guy to bring energy when we are down or ahead, but when the game is on the line, he needs to be on the bench.  He's on the roster...he's making a ton of money...and we are stuck with him for 2 more years.
2)  Dwight Powell's defense on bigs.  He can't do it.  He gets torched no matter how hard he hustles, no matter who we put  him on, he gets killed....and we are stuck with him for 4 more years.

1 and 2 on the bottom contradicts 4 on the top, he 100% nail what Hardaway can bring to a team you see, I see it everyone sees it except RC.  Thus if he cant see than 4 is an incorrect statement. 

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - mavsluvr - 11-15-2019

(11-15-2019, 10:23 AM)fifteenth Wrote:
(11-15-2019, 12:03 AM)SleepingHero Wrote: However, there are reasons that carry more weight than others. I'm criticizing the coach because I felt his mistakes are the big ones as to why the Mavs consistently look off since 11/3/2019.  The Mavs have lost 9 of their 11 first quarters this year. They rank 25th in FG% for the first quarter. I believe the lack of any consistent rotation is a big reason for that. I also think that the offense itself doesn't fit our personnel. The Mavs rely too much on the 3.  They shoot the 4th most 3's per game in the NBA, yet have the 18th worst 3pt%.

And looking at the game, the kind of shots that they're taking it make sense as to why its so low. SO many of those 3's are early in the shot clock 3's that are contested and no one touches the ball (Luka and THJ are the biggest offenders). 

I think the inconsistent rotations are part of playing the long game. The team is trying to see what it has and what combinations work best all while trying to get KP up to speed and integrated AND trying to get Powell up to speed and integrated. The reinsertion of Powell and the mini slump of KP were both kind of momentum disrupters I think. 

The use of the 3 pt shot is a team philosophy decision. The team has decided to have all their players practice 3 pt shooting relentlessly, and the team is learning an offense that should result in open 3s. The problem at the moment is learning the offense and each other such that players know which shots are the right shots to take and have the confidence to step in to those shots. If the players still don't know which shots to take and still can't hit those shots at a better than current clip in a couple of months then I'd be surprised and concerned. 

(11-15-2019, 12:03 AM)SleepingHero Wrote: A good coach would have nipped that in the bud, but it's been a constant theme. Porzingis has looked rusty, but Carlisle has also failed to integrate him in any meaningful way in the offense. He's being used as a glorified spot up shooter. Luka runs the most PnR with Powell or Kleber, NOT KP. The Luka/KP PnR is something everyone was expecting coming into this season, yet we've barely seen it all year.

It takes time to nip things in the bud. And it takes time to integrate new players in a meaningful way. Steering a team is more like navigating a ship than turning a zero turn mower. I'm not disputing that the team looks bad. But my conclusion isn't that they've failed, it's that this is a work in progress. Rick answered a Luka/KP pnr question recently and it sounds like that part of their game isn't ready for prime time quite yet. You're listing lots of issues (because they exist!) and saying that they've failed to address the issues. But doesn't the fact that there are a lot of issues imply that it will take some time to address all the issues. This isn't easy stuff. Luka and KP are going to be together for a long time. it's going to take a least a little bit of time to craft their two man game. 

(11-15-2019, 12:03 AM)SleepingHero Wrote: Weird rotations, such as benching Curry after his hot start against Orlando then bringing him back to shoot the game tying free throws after resting him for 2 hours is odd. Sitting Luka until 5 minutes left in the 4th, after he went off for 14 straight points in 90 seconds is odd. And those are the most egregious subs. Thats not even accounting the fact that Luka and KP only had a total of 4 shot attempts in the entire 4th quarter. Its up to the coach to make sure the team's best players gets the shots. 

I think Seth should play more, but at the same time, I think THJ got some of his minutes the other day because he wouldn't take a shot. Seth's amazing shooting doesn't work if Seth doesn't shoot.

I can see wanting for Luka to play more like 8 or 9 minutes in the 4th, rather than 6. But Luka came in with a one point lead and orchestrated several turnovers and bad possessions in a row. Luka is so awesomely amazing that I hesitate to pin anything on him, but last night, he could have executed better down the stretch. He's MVP, contention for best Mav ever level great, but he's still learning how to execute in crunch time along with the rest of the team. 

The lack of shots for Luka and KP bugs me too. The turnovers and bad possessions hurt there. I think Rick is probably trying to get Luka to not just play 1 on 5 in crunch time, which is Luka's default sometimes. So maybe in trying to learn that Luka isn't completely comfortable in crunch time yet. Not sure. 

(11-15-2019, 12:03 AM)SleepingHero Wrote: I'm just scratching the surface with Carlisle's issues so far this season, I haven't even mentioned the defense, end of game management (Luka going for a quick 2 with no timeouts and 2 fouls needed for the bonus, I mean that's on Carlisle for either telling Luka to do that or failing to let his players know of the situation), or overall effort of this team. Again, I have hope that Carlisle can turn it around, and I believe he has the talent to do so. But he rightly deserves criticism for the performance he's orchestrated so far. Just as he rightly deserved praise for his 2014 series against the Spurs and 2011 championship. It goes both ways.

The way you phrased this, that he "rightly deserves criticism for the performance he's orchestrated so far"...I can actually buy that. The performance hasn't been good for a good sized chunk of games now. And he's orchestrating. So ok. Where I differ is just that I think this stuff takes more time than you guys are giving it. I expect these things to get worked out, at least worked out as much as the talent level of this roster allows, and if the team is playing like this at game 40 then I'll be more upset about it than I am now. 

Conclusion/TLDR Version: I think the team looks uncomfortable right now. And I think the team is uncomfortable because the coach is asking them to change and grow. I'm willing to wait and see what happens with this construction project rather than judge it based on what it looks like while under construction. 
Very good points, fifteenth, and put very respectfully to SH, who did a good job of detailing issues. Agree that we can't expect a lot of these complex issues to be resolved in the next week, month, or even season. 

One wrinkle I might add wrt Seth. I think part of his difficulty in getting/taking good shots is that he is frequently on the floor with some relatively poor shooters, and he tends to get a fair amount of defensive respect from opponents. In that regard, I am not sure it is absolutely necessary for him to shoot to add value, as he is drawing a defender(s) and spacing the floor for others. Of course, it would be ideal if he took and made more shots, and we'll probably get to that point eventually. But it seems to me that he is adding something just being out there. He is also a decent defender for a small guard.

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - SportPsychMav - 11-15-2019

(11-15-2019, 10:23 AM)fifteenth Wrote:
(11-15-2019, 12:03 AM)SleepingHero Wrote: However, there are reasons that carry more weight than others. I'm criticizing the coach because I felt his mistakes are the big ones as to why the Mavs consistently look off since 11/3/2019.  The Mavs have lost 9 of their 11 first quarters this year. They rank 25th in FG% for the first quarter. I believe the lack of any consistent rotation is a big reason for that. I also think that the offense itself doesn't fit our personnel. The Mavs rely too much on the 3.  They shoot the 4th most 3's per game in the NBA, yet have the 18th worst 3pt%.

And looking at the game, the kind of shots that they're taking it make sense as to why its so low. SO many of those 3's are early in the shot clock 3's that are contested and no one touches the ball (Luka and THJ are the biggest offenders). 

I think the inconsistent rotations are part of playing the long game. The team is trying to see what it has and what combinations work best all while trying to get KP up to speed and integrated AND trying to get Powell up to speed and integrated. The reinsertion of Powell and the mini slump of KP were both kind of momentum disrupters I think. 

The use of the 3 pt shot is a team philosophy decision. The team has decided to have all their players practice 3 pt shooting relentlessly, and the team is learning an offense that should result in open 3s. The problem at the moment is learning the offense and each other such that players know which shots are the right shots to take and have the confidence to step in to those shots. If the players still don't know which shots to take and still can't hit those shots at a better than current clip in a couple of months then I'd be surprised and concerned. 

(11-15-2019, 12:03 AM)SleepingHero Wrote: A good coach would have nipped that in the bud, but it's been a constant theme. Porzingis has looked rusty, but Carlisle has also failed to integrate him in any meaningful way in the offense. He's being used as a glorified spot up shooter. Luka runs the most PnR with Powell or Kleber, NOT KP. The Luka/KP PnR is something everyone was expecting coming into this season, yet we've barely seen it all year.

It takes time to nip things in the bud. And it takes time to integrate new players in a meaningful way. Steering a team is more like navigating a ship than turning a zero turn mower. I'm not disputing that the team looks bad. But my conclusion isn't that they've failed, it's that this is a work in progress. Rick answered a Luka/KP pnr question recently and it sounds like that part of their game isn't ready for prime time quite yet. You're listing lots of issues (because they exist!) and saying that they've failed to address the issues. But doesn't the fact that there are a lot of issues imply that it will take some time to address all the issues. This isn't easy stuff. Luka and KP are going to be together for a long time. it's going to take a least a little bit of time to craft their two man game. 

(11-15-2019, 12:03 AM)SleepingHero Wrote: Weird rotations, such as benching Curry after his hot start against Orlando then bringing him back to shoot the game tying free throws after resting him for 2 hours is odd. Sitting Luka until 5 minutes left in the 4th, after he went off for 14 straight points in 90 seconds is odd. And those are the most egregious subs. Thats not even accounting the fact that Luka and KP only had a total of 4 shot attempts in the entire 4th quarter. Its up to the coach to make sure the team's best players gets the shots. 

I think Seth should play more, but at the same time, I think THJ got some of his minutes the other day because he wouldn't take a shot. Seth's amazing shooting doesn't work if Seth doesn't shoot.

I can see wanting for Luka to play more like 8 or 9 minutes in the 4th, rather than 6. But Luka came in with a one point lead and orchestrated several turnovers and bad possessions in a row. Luka is so awesomely amazing that I hesitate to pin anything on him, but last night, he could have executed better down the stretch. He's MVP, contention for best Mav ever level great, but he's still learning how to execute in crunch time along with the rest of the team. 

The lack of shots for Luka and KP bugs me too. The turnovers and bad possessions hurt there. I think Rick is probably trying to get Luka to not just play 1 on 5 in crunch time, which is Luka's default sometimes. So maybe in trying to learn that Luka isn't completely comfortable in crunch time yet. Not sure. 

(11-15-2019, 12:03 AM)SleepingHero Wrote: I'm just scratching the surface with Carlisle's issues so far this season, I haven't even mentioned the defense, end of game management (Luka going for a quick 2 with no timeouts and 2 fouls needed for the bonus, I mean that's on Carlisle for either telling Luka to do that or failing to let his players know of the situation), or overall effort of this team. Again, I have hope that Carlisle can turn it around, and I believe he has the talent to do so. But he rightly deserves criticism for the performance he's orchestrated so far. Just as he rightly deserved praise for his 2014 series against the Spurs and 2011 championship. It goes both ways.

The way you phrased this, that he "rightly deserves criticism for the performance he's orchestrated so far"...I can actually buy that. The performance hasn't been good for a good sized chunk of games now. And he's orchestrating. So ok. Where I differ is just that I think this stuff takes more time than you guys are giving it. I expect these things to get worked out, at least worked out as much as the talent level of this roster allows, and if the team is playing like this at game 40 then I'll be more upset about it than I am now. 

Conclusion/TLDR Version: I think the team looks uncomfortable right now. And I think the team is uncomfortable because the coach is asking them to change and grow. I'm willing to wait and see what happens with this construction project rather than judge it based on what it looks like while under construction. 

Finally, good post thank you.

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - radioaktiv - 11-15-2019

(11-15-2019, 10:46 AM)ItsGoTime Wrote:
(11-15-2019, 08:01 AM)radioaktiv Wrote: Frustrating loss, but the Mavs have been competitive in every one of our losses.  I'm confident they'll figure it out.

*except Boston

They were still very much in the game around 4:30.  So it wasn't that bad either.

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - SportPsychMav - 11-15-2019

(11-15-2019, 11:20 AM)radioaktiv Wrote:
(11-15-2019, 10:46 AM)ItsGoTime Wrote:
(11-15-2019, 08:01 AM)radioaktiv Wrote: Frustrating loss, but the Mavs have been competitive in every one of our losses.  I'm confident they'll figure it out.

*except Boston

They were still very much in the game around 4:30.  So it wasn't that bad either.

They have been competitive in every game and lived and died by the variance of the pull up 3.

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - BigDirk41 - 11-15-2019

Luka is a absolute leader. He always takes the blames for losses and he never takes the credit for the wins. He's such a humble and competitive player. I can't wait to see him with better players around him. I honestly think some of KP's struggles are because we don't have true starters outside of Luka and KP so the defense can collapse all over KP. Luka is just so good with the ball, he can overcome it.

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - TXBamanut - 11-15-2019

(11-15-2019, 10:54 AM)bartlettbear Wrote:
(11-15-2019, 10:31 AM)TXBamanut Wrote: I think it's a case of playing down to their opponents.  That's classic inexperienced, young team.

It's frustrating, but to me, there are some tanomalies.

Things that will change.
1)  Seth Curry is NOT going to keep on shooting 33% from 3, 10 points below his career average.  That will change.
2)  KP will get better.  KP is starting to get into shape.  I'll say a very hostile environment, he did something Chandler Parsons NEVER did when we played Houston...he actually showed up and got over the butthurt.  Showed me a lot.  I loved his quote to Brad Townsend.  "I like this better than neutral. . . I’m not going to try to win them over now.”  I'll take that.
3)  I think our FT shooting will get better.
4)  Carlisle isn't an idiot...he'll make this work.

Things that won't change.
1)  Tim Haradaway's idiotic shot choices when the game is on the line.  He's a great guy to bring energy when we are down or ahead, but when the game is on the line, he needs to be on the bench.  He's on the roster...he's making a ton of money...and we are stuck with him for 2 more years.
2)  Dwight Powell's defense on bigs.  He can't do it.  He gets torched no matter how hard he hustles, no matter who we put  him on, he gets killed....and we are stuck with him for 4 more years.

1 and 2 on the bottom contradicts 4 on the top, he 100% nail what Hardaway can bring to a team you see, I see it everyone sees it except RC.  Thus if he cant see than 4 is an incorrect statement.

Had to fix this quote.  Honestly, I'm inclined to agree, but I'm hanging on to the slim hope that Carlisle is being forced to deal with THJ because of the money.

DP is a lower hope.  So maybe you are right...  I'm still going to think that maybe he figures out a way to use Powell and THJ.

I want to make one very strong point and we CANNOT get away from this point.
The Mavs have been in every game late and SHOULD have won every game they have played this year.
Think about the last time you were able to honestly say that about the Mavs 10 games into a season and really mean it.  Exactly.
For all the belly aching, we are 6-4, which sucks considering the weaker schedule, but there have been playoff teams in that run and I think in every MFFL's sane mind, we should be undefeated, seriously.

That's a great feeling after the last several years.

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - fifteenth - 11-15-2019

(11-15-2019, 11:13 AM)SportPsychMav Wrote: Finally

What's that supposed to mean? Do we have a language barrier here or are you just being a jerk?

RE: GAME 11: DAL (6-5) @ NYK (3-9) | 103-106 loss - ItsGoTime - 11-15-2019

(11-15-2019, 11:27 AM)SportPsychMav Wrote:

(11-15-2019, 11:20 AM)radioaktiv Wrote:
(11-15-2019, 10:46 AM)ItsGoTime Wrote:
(11-15-2019, 08:01 AM)radioaktiv Wrote: Frustrating loss, but the Mavs have been competitive in every one of our losses.  I'm confident they'll figure it out.

*except Boston

They were still very much in the game around 4:30.  So it wasn't that bad either.

They have been competitive in every game and lived and died by the variance of the pull up 3.

To me, that was the only game this season where I didn't feel like we could win it. They just were playing that much better than us the whole game through and always had a big time answer to any of our runs.