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RE: GAME 64: SAC (24-42) vs. DAL (39-25) | 114-113 win 03-06-2022, 12:08 AM 6
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Poll: GAME 64: SAC (24-42) vs. DAL (39-25) | 114-113 win Boards
Dallas Mavericks and the NBA
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Just a few notes: Although it's a straight line dribble, Bertans can sprint!  Bertans had 2 nice assists, one on a break where he was leading it and another, a touch pass. Just indicates he can make quick simple plays and not just shoot as much like every one expects him too (including me). JG is a defense first energy guy who some say is fairly too common in the league. Although 3 and D player is the closest player profile type he can be, he has a bit more. Most 3 and D players can't dribble, for some it's by team design, but for others, they just can't put the ball on the floor. JG doesn't have advance handles, but for an SG, he is pretty much in control of his dribble, he can take the ball end to end at high speeds, zig-zagging his way from defenders and would end up in a dunk, a layup or an assist. I wouldn't trust Bullock or even THJ with that. And if you combine JG's athletic ability and decent play making skills, he just doesn't seem like your typical 3 and D guy (assuming he really develops the 3).  A more consistent 3 ball for next season would mean a staring role for JG. Dude is going to be good.

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