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Registration Date: 09-15-2019
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Local Time: 11-12-2024 at 12:23 PM
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Joined: 09-15-2019
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michaeltex's Most Liked Post
Post Subject Post Date/Time Numbers of Likes
RE: PLAYOFFS ROUND 2: #1 PHX (0-0) vs. #4 DAL (0-0) 04-29-2022, 01:01 PM 11
Thread Subject Forum Name
Poll: PLAYOFFS ROUND 2: #1 PHX (3-4) vs. #4 DAL (4-3) | DAL advances to WCF! Boards
Dallas Mavericks and the NBA
Post Message
From my viewpoint, the primary goals for this season were: Figure out KP's place on the team Find some additional perimeter shooters for Luka Improve defensively to at least league average. Get into second round of playoffs. All of these have been accomplished. Now as the team goes to the next round, Kidd and his staff can see what cracks develop from the higher stresses and address those this offseason. Targeted improvement rather than cattle-call turnover. BTW, I think CP3 is the head of the snake in PHX. If we can get him off his game, then I like our chances.

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