
Registration Date: 09-15-2019
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Joined: 09-15-2019
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RE: TRADE: Christian Wood (1yr/$14.3M) to DAL | #26+SB+Boban+Chriss+TB to HOU 06-19-2022, 04:02 PM 9
Thread Subject Forum Name
Poll: TRADE: Christian Wood (1yr/$14.3M) to DAL | #26+SB+Boban+Chriss+TB to HOU Boards
Dallas Mavericks and the NBA
Post Message
I don't get why so many people seem so deadset on trading Green. He has more upside left than just about anyone on the roster but he probably doesn't have that much trade value at the moment because he wasn't ready for his first real playoff minutes.  He went from 45.2% from the field and 16% from deep in his first season to 50.8% from the field and 35.9% from deep this last season. So he soiled the bed in the playoffs, so did Brunson the year before. He's got a lot more offensive upside than Frank the Clank, who has yet to shoot 40% from the field after 5 seasons. If you're patient Green might actually turn into one of those coveted two way guys Green is 21. DFS shot 37.2% from the field and 29.3% from deep when he was 23, but he made slight improvements in each and every season after that. I'm willing to be patient with Green because he showed offseason improvement which shows his future trajectory is heading the right way

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