NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - Printable Version

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RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - khaled1987 - 03-18-2022

(03-17-2022, 05:18 PM)JamesConway912 Wrote: Btw: what happened with Ronzone? The scandal with him was also way after the initial SI report and already during the „great“ Cynt‘s reign.

They claimed they did their job and no prove in the lady's accusations, but after the story died they fired him.

Interestingly, media knew about his firing long after it happened, there was no announcement whatsoever

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - Jason Terry - 03-18-2022

It will never happen, but please NBA if we could get Cuban the Don Sterling treatment and get him removed as owner that would be amazing for this franchise 

If there’s any truth to the payout/NDA he should be shamed in the court of public opinion 

Not to mention this further exposes Cynt Marshall as a total fraud

Side note: Donnie obviously leaked to Cato re: Bobby V. Seems like Rick was just getting out of a bad work environment

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - ItsGoTime - 03-18-2022

Dear Mark, please stop hiring sexual predators. Thanks, IGT.

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - StrandedOnBeauboisHill - 03-18-2022

Really curious what Donnie's "inappropriate behavior" was and if that also had to do with Rick's departure.  "Fabricated" is also an incredibly strong word to use.

The fact that Donnie is saying he didn't know about the investigation but the Mavs and NBA are saying that's not the case is super shady to me.  Combine that with the fact that he's clearly the source of the Haralabob story and a lot of this is feeling like Donnie was/is doing everything he could to save his career here after something awful was dug up.

Cuban is a scumbag about this stuff and very delusional when it comes to the impact of keeping folks around after incidents like this but that lawsuit comes off as very petty and not very thought through (you're reporting something that's already been investigated and the nba already knew you were going to get fired so you know this is a losing battle).  

It almost feels like this is going to get a lot worse for Donnie but if the Mavs sitting on hard evidence of Donnie's misbehavior I don't know why they wouldn't air it out now.  It would both clear their name AND it would show "hey we actually are cleaning out our closet of some of the wrongdoing".  The fact that they aren't makes me feel like both sides are probably going to look like scumbags if the truth came out.

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - F Gump - 03-18-2022

(03-18-2022, 12:34 AM)michaeltex Wrote: This feels like Donnie looking for one last Mav payday. He got fired from a senior executive job and has not been picked up by another team. So now he’s looking for a final installment for his retirement fund.

While this plays out in the media, let's not lose sight of:
1  Donnie just rejected $52M (!) he was being offered to shut up and go away, right before filing the lawsuit
2  while the league seemingly said things that would support MC's stance, the $52M is incredible evidence too, which would indicate Donnie isn't just trying to grab a few last bucks that he couldn't get some other easier way
3  the shots fired in the media by both sides will leave us confused, perhaps, but we do have ways of resolving such things -- that''s what a trial in front of a "decider of the facts" (ie, judge, jury) is about, to figure it out and come to the proper answer

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - Kammrath - 03-18-2022

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - Kammrath - 03-18-2022

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - Kammrath - 03-18-2022

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - Kammrath - 03-18-2022

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - Borkhan - 03-18-2022

without nda proposal, the whole suit is irrelevant. but, the dallas side took, whatever donnie was  threatening to disclosure, enough seriously to offer 52 mil. So, donnie does have some real dirt on dallas, not necessarily the one he is writing about; otherwise who would offer somebody who didnt even get goodby money, sucg a bonanza?. disclosure non agreement is interesting also, as it starts like it is pertaining only to firing, but later encompasses everything and anything about dallas in any possible variant. my  opinion is, that donnie will settle out of court when the money will high enough.
btw. it is also funny that nowhere are any data about his nephew and nowhere does he demands sexual predator to be punished.

So, after 24 years donnie is, after nobody hired him, trying for his last big check, based on the 24 years of inner  knowledge... Its near blackmail, but surely a racket..

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - Hypermav - 03-18-2022

Not sure how to word this but Cuban sure does have trouble hiring people of character.  

"Dirk saves all butts" from Grandpa Urine seems appropriate here.

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - RasheedsBigWhiteSpot - 03-18-2022

The following story is 100% true.

In 2010, I attended a job fair for the Texas Legends at Dr. Pepper Arena.  I was already employed, but saw this as an opportunity to see what positions were available and gage the potential, however remote it was, at starting on the ground floor of a basketball franchise.

After arriving I realized this was essentially just two lines of people dropping off resumes and that the Legends were really only looking for people to sell tickets on commission or be vendors during games. I wasn't interested in either, but, "No harm, no foul", it was interesting to just explore. In fact, Mike Fisher was there and I introduced myself as both my regular name and as "Rasheed". If you know our adversarial history, it was a funny ten seconds.

However, just as I had dropped off my resume and was preparing to leave, Donnie Nelson came in. Quickly, I noticed he was much taller than I realized, which was heightened by the cowboy boots he was wearing. Donnie was chatting with a fellow executive and a couple of other applicants. I am never one to shy away from meeting new people so I introduced myself.

For the next few minutes we chatted. He asked me about my experience and I gave him some information about a bar I had owned and had recently sold. It was then that he said, "You know, you are really good looking." I smiled, took it as a quick compliment and let it roll off (I don't say this to be cocky, but in my past I've modeled and been told this before.)

The four of us continued talking about basketball and business, when, suddenly, Donnie interjected, "No, you're like really good looking." The conversation stopped awkwardly for a moment, but continued on. Then about a minute later Donnie looked at me and said, "I mean, you look like a movie star."  It was at this point that it was just weird.  This, after all, was essentially a job interview and there was no place for the repeated comments.   Hey, had this just been at a "Fan Jam" and we were just hanging out, then cool. If we were just two guys at a bar, that's cool as well.  But it was out of place and, by the third comment, I could see the others thought so as well.

Do I feel like I missed out on a job because of how this conversation may or may not have gone? No.  But it was certainly odd and, as the Mavericks repeated history of harassment has come out over the years, that conversation has always played in my head. If Donnie was as casual with comments like that and he was in a leadership position, what example does that set?  Again, as someone who's owned a business, I would NEVER make repeated comments on someone's appearance.

Hey, you can take or leave this story, but I just thought I'd finally share this.

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - Kammrath - 03-18-2022

(03-18-2022, 04:18 PM)RasheedsBigWhiteSpot Wrote: I just thought I'd finally share this.

Thanks for sharing. It makes sense of a lot of this IMO.

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - Borkhan - 03-18-2022

The fact is, that story will no dissapear-and at worst moment when dallas finally start to gel and play good. now jounalist will besiege everybody, players included, with inane or rude questions. Players, gm, office organization, all will be in a defense mode or in uproar. it is quite possible that because  of that, dallas will lose focus and again fall in first round. the timing of donnies suit after several months  and two years from alleged incident, just  before playouts, is given me dark thought of somebody, who will rather ruin past team, just to get some stupid revenge.

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - Winter - 03-18-2022

(03-18-2022, 03:48 PM)Borkhan Wrote: it is also funny that nowhere are any data about his nephew and nowhere does he demands sexual predator to be punished.

Agree about this. The lawsuit makes a vague attempt to make Donnie look like he was trying to do something for the alleged "victim," but then it mostly reads like a Donnie Nelson grievance. The victim shifts from the nephew to Donnie.

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - Jym - 03-18-2022

(03-18-2022, 12:31 PM)F Gump Wrote: 1  Donnie just rejected $52M (!) he was being offered to shut up and go away, right before filing the lawsuit

I find that so hard to believe
How would they even legally pay that out?

But if that part is true, I don't see Cuban surviving as the owner. An avalanche of stuff he doesn't want exposed is about to become public knowledge

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - Mavs2021 - 03-18-2022

So if we believe Cuban, that means he did not fire Nelson for basketball operations related failure and Carlisle re-signed. So basically Cuban saw nothing wrong with how things were going for the last decade. And that is now the best outcome for Cuban, that he looks like an incompetent Texan Vivek. Yay.

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - Tyler - 03-18-2022

(03-18-2022, 06:01 PM)Mavs2021 Wrote: So if we believe Cuban, that means he did not fire Nelson for basketball operations related failure and Carlisle re-signed. So basically Cuban saw nothing wrong with how things were going for the last decade. 

Literally the #1 reason Cuban cites in the filing is Donnie’s poor job performance as GM.

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - Hypermav - 03-18-2022

(03-18-2022, 06:07 PM)Tyler Wrote: Literally the #1 reason Cuban cites in the filing is Donnie’s poor job performance as GM.
Like that time when he told you to draft Giannis.  Maybe both are devious and incompetent.

RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson sues Dallas Mavericks - Jommybone - 03-18-2022

(03-18-2022, 05:51 PM)Jym Wrote: I find that so hard to believe
How would they even legally pay that out?

But if that part is true, I don't see Cuban surviving as the owner. An avalanche of stuff he doesn't want exposed is about to become public knowledge

Yeah, I can’t believe the 52mm. Just no way. Of course, I’m wrong all the time. But I just can’t come to grips with these 2 things:

1. Cuban offered THAT much???

2. And then Donnie said NO???

Them dogs don’t hunt.