
Full Version: PPD Games:Why it makes $cents$ to be extra cautious?
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Lately, I've noticed that games have been postponed more than usual. With the stricter protocols passed (no going out, no hugs or handshakes after games, stay only in hotels for visiting games) I thought it would stop by then, but hasn't. 

Then I realize, the second half of the schedule hasn't been released yet? And with these postponed games, its not announced when the games will be reschedule. Which led me to believe that, NBA wants to be overtly cautious, to not only protect the team and its players (safety first) but to see the possibility of having a full capacity arenas by the start of playoffs. If the pandemic is calmed enough by end of season, where more fans could enter, the NBA and its team's owners could see more revenue added. From tickets, to merchandise, to the $60 parking cost.

2020-2021 season is schedule for 72 games, however there was 37 games announced for the first half, while the second half should be 35. Now with the PPD games being added, the second half could be reversed. 

For the Mavs, its only one game so far that's been postponed, no big deal. 

For the Grizzlies, its six games that are PPD so far. 

Instead of ending the season uniformly on one date, it could be extended. Or it could be more back to back games for the Grizzlies, which they would fight against.

By no means, am I saying the NBA wants to postponed more games, TV time slots is costly from what I hear, its just a side benefit from being cautious. 

Honestly, I miss being at the games, but obviously want it to be safe for everyone.